Our Impact

Households/Buildings Served2020202120222023
Bill Payment Assistance11,42711,44313,31718,784
Single Family Energy Efficiency3,7193,4663,3482,795
Nonprofit Energy Efficiency32355346
Multifamily Energy Efficiency54424141

2023 by the numbers


total households served by all programs

Households and Projects served by program

Graphic showing households served by EOC program

Demographics of households

Illustration of demographics of EOC programs by renters, rural, seniors, households with disabilities and children

Energy Savings and Production







Greenhouse Gas


Emission Saved

Total Dollars

$ 100000


Total Kilowatt Hours


Of Solar Produced

Metric Tons of CO2 Avoided

Participant Profiles

Maria opens her front door with a big smile

Maria is a participant in our Healthy Homes Program, which aims to help her family members who struggle with respiratory conditions by improving home air quality, comfort, and safety.

"This program is going to help my family be healthier and safer. I am grateful to have this help."

Ralph leans against a mural wall of the building he manages

Ralph is the building manager of a 93-unit multifamily building serving older adults on fixed incomes.

"I cannot tell you how much EOC has meant to our facility. Residents are more comfortable and happy, and our utility bills are decreasing and keeping our rents more affordable."

Michael smiles at the camera as he sits in the lobby of his building

Michael has lived in an affordable housing building for over four years where EOC installed significant energy efficiency upgrades.

"This is a great place to live, especially if you’re on a fixed income. I was very worried about rents going up, but thanks to EOC the building will keep our costs affordable so I don’t have to move. This is my home – I don’t want to leave."

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